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rapporter og artikler fra Facet5-teamet
Automated Video Interviews & Personality Assessments (AVI-PA)
There is huge excitement around the use of AI based personality assessment, particularly for selection. There is no denying that AVI's with AI are a clever admin system but there is nothing yet to suggest it is in fact “intelligent” and capable of analysis.
5 Tips for Authentic Conversation
Your ability to have effective and honest conversations can directly impact on how you show-up as a leader, as a colleague, as a friend. . . as a human! Your personality shapes the way in which you have conversations and therefore, understanding your personality traits and preferences can support you in developing the conversation skills you need to improve your conversations.
Life under the jackboot of Covid19
Across the globe people have been looking at the effects of COVID-19. And in this case, not the actual virus but the environment it created. Pubs, hairdressers and restaurants were forced to close. Schools were closed and the children sent home for “home schooling”. A phrase that will forever strike fear into parents the world over. Travel was cancelled. And businesses slowed and then closed. Many may never reopen. And this has raised questions. This is galvanising and testing even the strongest and healthiest of teams.
Slow down to go faster
The ability to effectively cope with change, navigate uncertainty and act without the full picture is certainly a skill that effective teams have had to develop - well before the arrival of COVID-19. During this current period of uncertainty, we have all been compelled to draw on these skills and act out of immediate necessity – to make rapid decisions, re-think, re-prioritise and adapt for the future. This is galvanising and testing even the strongest and healthiest of teams.
Australia – a land of carefree larrikins? Probably not.
Having been brought up from the age of three in Australia, I “knew” that Australia was a land of larrikins. We did what we wanted when we wanted. We broke the rules and had a laugh about it. We looked overseas at other “funny” countries with their “weird” customs. We weighed them in the balance and found them wanting. We were glad we were Australians.
Personality Profiling – I’ve got your number!
More and more HR functions are reaping the reward from adopting personality profiling. It's no longer simply seen as a simple ‘nice-to-have’. But as a value add to talent management programs. Here we discuss what personality is. Where personality tools are most effective. And what this means for the workplace. From recruitment through to on-boarding, team working and leadership development.