Blog – FR2023-10-13T18:43:55+00:00

A collection of thoughts, reports
and articles from the Facet5 team

Follow your passions to a fulfilling career. What motivates you?

Whether you want to pursue a different career, a hobby, or just something you enjoy - you need to know what motivates you. This article will cover how to figure out what drives you, and what you should do if you're not sure. Find your passion for a more fulfilling career >>

Work preferences – 22 practical steps to help you understand yours better

We often don't put much thought into how we like to work. And the result? We end up in jobs that don't suit us. This can lead to unhappiness, frustration - and a feeling of stuck-ness. If you're not sure what your work preferences are, or how they fit with your personality, it's time to find out!

A Career is Not a Job: The Meaning of Career, and What it takes to Build One

The process of choosing a career is important and can be quite challenging. It’s not simply a series of jobs or skills. But a combination of personality, capability and talents. So? How can we build a healthy, happy career? Read on to find out.

Automated Video Interviews & Personality Assessments (AVI-PA)

There is huge excitement around the use of AI based personality assessment, particularly for selection. There is no denying that AVI's with AI are a clever admin system but there is nothing yet to suggest it is in fact “intelligent” and capable of analysis.

5 Tips for Authentic Conversation

Your ability to have effective and honest conversations can directly impact on how you show-up as a leader, as a colleague, as a friend. . . as a human! Your personality shapes the way in which you have conversations and therefore, understanding your personality traits and preferences can support you in developing the conversation skills you need to improve your conversations.

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