A collection of thoughts, reports
and articles from the Facet5 team
Personality Profiling – I’ve got your number!
More and more HR functions are reaping the reward from adopting personality profiling. It's no longer simply seen as a simple ‘nice-to-have’. But as a value add to talent management programs. Here we discuss what personality is. Where personality tools are most effective. And what this means for the workplace. From recruitment through to on-boarding, team working and leadership development.
Is there any such thing as Asian Leadership?
Psychologists have argued that there is a link between a country’s culture and the personality of its citizens. Here we look at eight Asian nations and their citizens’ personality traits, and draw conclusions on how these traits affect the way people work.
Do Opposites Really Attract?
Personality make-up can be very different. So, when it comes to love, which opposites will make the sparks fly - in a good way? And which ones are the deal-breakers? Read on to find out.
5 Steps to Integrating a New Leader
Integrating new leaders can be a costly, stressful, and uncertain experience. But there is a predictable cycle of activity associated with onboarding. Read on to discover more.
The question of trust
Can people be trusted? Or is it wise to be careful when dealing with people? Research shows that there is a definite divide in opinion between North and South USA. Read on to find out more.
Mindfulness in the workplace
Mindfulness at work. What is it? Why is it important? And what does it mean from a Facet5 perspective? Here we discuss how different levels of emotionality affect an individuals wellbeing. And how training staff in mindfulness will help lift a less engaged workforce. Making big steps to avoid burnout.