
Personality at the heart of
career coaching and planning.

Empower careers with Facet5

When we understand our strengths, how we like to work, what we like to do and where we thrive, we bring conscious choice to our careers. By providing a language and description of our preferred ways of work we can start to build a career that works for us while affirming our personal value and contribution.

Boost Retention and Performance with Strategic Career Conversations Aligned to Personality Traits

Career conversations in organisations help align individual aspirations with business goals, enhancing job satisfaction, and boosting retention. They empower employees to understand and navigate their career paths effectively, fostering a motivated, engaged workforce. This strategic approach not only drives personal growth but also enhances organisational performance.

Our personality plays a crucial role in career conversations by guiding the alignment of our individual traits with suitable career paths and roles. Understanding an employee’s personality helps tailor development plans that resonate with their intrinsic motivations and strengths, ensuring they feel genuinely engaged and valued.

When we apply personality to career

  • Support individuals to pinpoint their natural talents and abilities, guiding them towards career opportunities that best align with their inherent strengths.
  • It provides insights into how an individual prefers to work, aiding in the selection of roles and environments that enhance job satisfaction and productivity.
  • It highlights specific role elements that motivate the individual, crucial for maintaining long-term engagement and enthusiasm in their career.
  • It helps with targeted job searches and career development for optimal growth and wellbeing.
  • Forms a solid foundation for creating an effective and meaningful career plan, ensuring choices are deeply aligned with personal personality traits.
  • Improves career conversations by providing a framework and meaningful information.

The Facet5 Career model

We believe when we understand who we are, what we like to do and how, we create a sense of self-efficacy which can often underpin the courage to do something different, something amazing. Our approach focuses on:

  • Helping individuals understand their strengths, and ways of leveraging these across roles
  • Defining how they prefer to work, and when they get the opportunity to do so, how work becomes more effortless and enjoyable. It allows them to find a language that helps explain, to others, their preferences and preferred ways of working. Creating clarity and building better relationships
  • Clarifying what they are motivated by. In their jobs – past, present and future. While also understanding that this doesn’t restrict them. But rather, gives them a way of understanding what is important, lastly
  • The environment in which they thrive. Allowing them to grow and flourish. When we get a sense of connection with others and align with purpose of the organisation, we call this ‘fit’. We all like to feel like we have our tribe.

The value of Facet5 in the career process

In-depth personality insights: Facet5 allows individuals to delve deeper into their core strengths and behavioural tendencies. We generate nuanced profiles that outline personality traits in a detailed and actionable manner, enabling coaches and leaders to quickly understand and work effectively with individuals on their career plan.

Tailored development strategies: Facet5 provides personalised development strategies, highlighting how to leverage strengths and address potential overplays. This tailored approach ensures that coaches and leaders can offer highly customised guidance, making each career conversation more impactful and aligned with the individuals career plan.

Enhanced self and others awareness: By providing individuals with clear insights into their own behaviours and motivations, Facet5 fosters greater self-awareness and self-understanding, which are crucial for meaningful personal development and professional growth.

Improved leader capability: By providing a framework and method, Leaders are better equipped to have career conversations. The tools and insights provided allow for richer, more meaningful conversations.

A career is not just a series of jobs and skills.

It is that perfect storm of personality, capability and talents that aligns with our passions, purpose and values. And, importantly, it is a living process.

Career Programme Modules

The key to a thriving, successful and flourishing career is having opportunities for mastery in a role that uses your strengths, preferences and drivers in an environment that intrinsically motivates. Our unique Career Coaching program focuses on building skills and knowledge. We also provide three ready made workshops that can be delivered by participants.

What do we mean by Career?

This module explores the definition of Career, why career planning and coaching are so important, and the impactful role of personality in the process. We explore the Facet5 Career Framework and its application.

Conversations skills

This module explores the what it is to have great conversations. It focuses on five critical skills of conversations that can be applied in every conversation, meeting, or coaching moment. What is it to be present in our conversations, managing our bias, asking great questions, speaking with courage and managing the flow and outcomes.

Coaching skills

This module builds skills and understanding of coaching approaches. It focuses on application and practice, creating a confidence and capability, supported with toolkits and guides. Participants work in cohorts to build skill and to understand how to leverage their own natural coaching capability.

Career conversations

This module focuses on bringing together the conversation and coaching skills and applying it to career conversations. Using simple but impactful frameworks and guides, it supports managers and leaders to navigate career conversations successfully.

Career Development Programmes

Career Planning Workshop: Early Career

This workshop is ideal for Graduates or individuals looking to understand their career pathway. A one-day format that includes facilitator guides and participant materials. Individuals leave with the beginnings of a career plan

New Manager: Career Conversations

This one-day workshop teaches first line or new managers the value of career conversations and provides tools and techniques to have career conversations with their teams.

Leader: Career Conversations

This one-day workshop is for more experienced Leaders who want to mentor their managers and teams in effective Career conversations.

Keep this content for future reference.

View and download a pdf version of the Facet5 Career Brochure here. (link opens in new window)

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