
Personality at the heart of
team potential.

Realise team potential with Facet5

Our personality comes with us wherever we go. It influences how we approach the world, our work and relationships. These similarities and differences in our motivations, attitudes and behaviour make us who we are. The way we behave and interact with others depends on this make-up. Therefore, when we understand ourselves and others, we can truly realise our potential, work more effectively and build stronger relationships and boost performance.

Strengthen Team Performance with our Comprehensive Development Programmes

We work in extraordinary times, yet the underlying elements of a successful, thriving team continue to remain the same. When present, they enable teams to; create stronger relationships, improve conversations, increase well-being and ultimately boost performance.

Our programmes, whether designed for you and/or delivered by us, pay deliberate attention to each of these elements. We work with teams to ensure each element is developed and strengthened.

The elements of a thriving team

  • Self-awareness (and an understanding and appreciation of others’ style and preferences).
  • Room for individual growth and challenge.
  • Personal boundaries and role clarity.
  • Mutual trust.
  • Shared values and future vision.
  • Productive decision making and problem solving.
  • Open communication and effective conversations.
  • Honest and productive feedback that support individuals to reach agreements and resolve disputes proactively; and importantly.
  • A shared focus on team and individual resilience.

The value of Facet5 in developing teams

In-depth personality insights: Facet5 allows individuals to delve deeper into their core strengths and behavioural tendencies. We generate nuanced profiles that outline personality traits in a detailed and actionable way, enabling individuals to quickly understand and work effectively together.

Tailored development strategies: Facet5 provides personalised development strategies, highlighting how to leverage strengths and address potential overplays. This tailored approach offers highly customised guidance, making each team development session more impactful and aligned with the team development journey.

Enhanced self and others awareness: By providing team members with clear insights into each other’s behaviours and motivations, Facet5 fosters greater self-awareness and understanding, which are crucial for meaningful team development and professional growth.

Extended development impact: Facet5 further enriches the team development experience with individual access to myFacet5. This webapp extends the value of the coaching relationship beyond the traditional session boundaries, enabling continuous engagement and development.

With myFacet5, individuals can access their personal profiles, developmental resources, and tailored insights at any time, ensuring that the insights and growth achieved during development sessions are reinforced and expanded upon back in the office.

Extend your teams potential
with Facet5

Facet5 Team Development

Our team development offering allows you to select, combine and tailor our learning modules to your team’s development journey. These can also be supplemented with our broader Capabilities modules to target specific development needs.

We work with you to define the best team development experience. As with all our programmes, the individual sits at the heart of what we do. We bring relevant, robust and trusted personality data to build self-awareness and understanding.

Our learning programs

Half day – Team Discovery

A highly interactive session that brings teams together to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their colleagues within the context of their work. The session emphasises the importance of recognising and appreciating individual styles and strengths, illuminating how this awareness can foster stronger relationships and significantly enhance team performance. Serving as an essential foundational programme, it is geared towards enabling teams to collaborate more effectively by harnessing the power of their collective diversity and talents.

One day – Team Discovery and Connection

This engaging session builds on the Team Discovery session to include a second module dedicated to examining the team’s ways of working. In this part, we delve into the team’s distinct styles, investigating how these align with the team’s core values and their specific work objectives. Additionally, we provide a customisable learning module, tailored to meet the unique needs of the team. This module can be selected from our range of available options or can be specifically designed to suit your team’s requirements.

Two day – Team Discovery and Success

The two-day programme includes the Discovery module and builds on this with 3 elective modules or a tailored designed programme. The design and selection of modules is guided through a team diagnostic and interviews. The focus is on team performance, communication, trust and feedback.

In all of our programmes we provide individuals with:

Individualised reports and personality data ensures an enduring legacy of self-awareness and practical skills to leverage in their work and relationships.

Access to their own data via myFacet5 along with a personalised TeamScape report, where needed. This extends the teams learning back at work, allowing them to practice and embed new skills and behaviours.

Importantly, we support both the leader and team beyond the session with easy-to-use tools and guides.

98% of team members agree or strongly agree that team development created better understanding of themselves and others, leading to better relationships*

Our modules include:

Trust and accountability: Participants learn practical strategies to enhance trust and embrace accountability within their team, fostering a culture of collaboration and growth.

Team values and charter: Teams create a detailed team charter that encompasses their collective values, objectives, and principles for collaboration and a unified, purpose-driven team atmosphere.

Communication and effective conversations: Teams learn practical techniques aimed at improving interpersonal communication, collaboration, constructively resolving conflicts, and establishing a more harmonious and productive team atmosphere.

Productive conflict: Teams are introduced to productive conflict and its role in fostering creativity and innovation. Participants are equipped with techniques and an understanding of their own approach and how to flex their style.

Collaboration: Participants build strategies and communication skills essential for great collaboration. The focus is on enabling teams to harness the power of collaboration to drive success in their work.

DEI and Bias: We focus on the role of diversity and bias and its effects on team dynamics and decision-making. Participants acquire practical tools and strategies to cultivate a more inclusive and unbiased team environment.

Resilience and well-being: We provide strategies for handling challenges and achieving a healthy work-life balance. We enhance overall productivity and team satisfaction by empowering participants with the tools needed for personal and collective resilience.

Effective decision-making: Attendees learn valuable problem-solving frameworks, equipping them with the skills to make well-informed decisions and tackle challenges. This approach is designed to boost overall team productivity and success.

Effective feedback: We empower teams to enhance their feedback capability. Participants learn effective feedback techniques and leverage their strengths to foster a supportive and growth-oriented team culture, leading to improved performance and collaboration.

Hybrid working: We equip teams with the necessary skills to maintain high productivity and clear communication. Emphasis is placed on building strong teamwork and collaboration, irrespective of physical location, ensuring seamless and effective remote working dynamics.

Keep this content for future reference.

View and download a pdf version of the Facet5 Team Brochure here. (link opens in new window)

*128 teams surveyed, Leading Financial Institution, Australia

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