Supporting leaders to
realise their potential

Leadership development is a journey and one that begins at all levels of the organisation and at different career points. First time leaders, as well as executive level leaders, need to continually manage their development in order to ‘be all they can be’; to manage resources and people, as well as to create a vision for the future and have others accept and support that vision.

What is Facet5 SLR?

The Strategic Leadership Review (SLR) combines both a Facet5 Personality Profile and a 360-degree. The unique combination of personality and 360-degree data, underpinned by a database of existing leadership data and a powerful predictive engine, means the SLR analyses and predicts leadership behaviours and development like no other tool…

Facet5 describes, explains and predicts behaviour; both strengths and challenges, and is the key to coaching and developing leaders at all levels. The Strategic Leadership Review (SLR) 360-degree questionnaire provides real-time behavioural feedback for those already on, or about to begin their leadership journey, either individually or as part of a Leadership Development programme.

How Facet5 SLR works

SLR gathers information on expected behaviour via a Facet5 Personality profile and combines it with actual behaviour (via the SLR questionnaire) observed by work colleagues, managers, direct reports and others. SLR is based on the Bernard Bass model of Transformational and Transactional Leadership, covering:

  • Creating a vision

  • Stimulating the environment

  • Treating people as individuals

  • Monitoring performance

  • Setting goals

  • Providing feedback

  • Developing careers

The comprehensive report also presents free-text qualitative commentary from the reviewers, providing additional depth and insight into how behaviours present at work.

The insight and data is presented in graphical summaries within the SLR report which highlight predicted vs. actual performance along with tailored suggestions for development.

The impact

SLR enables organisations to. . .

  • Outline the strengths, challenges and degree of ‘stretch’ for leaders to effectively deliver on the organisation’s strategy

  • Create relevant, work-based development suggestions

  • Understand how ‘usual’ or ‘unusual’ a behaviour might be compared to an extensive global normative database

  • Provide additional depth and richness to existing leadership development programmes – at all levels

  • Use a unique combination of observed and predictive behaviour to generate insights that create positive change

  • Identify and develop the leadership pipeline

SLR – at a glance

Sample Report

Click here to download a sample SLR report

Training Required

1 day accreditation programme

Languages Available

Currently available in 14 languages – find out which languages here.


Completion of Facet5 personality questionnaire and SLR 360 review questionnaire

PDF Product Sheet

Click here to download a SLR PDF product sheet

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Client success stories

Our clients span the globe. They are a true reflection of Facet5’s universal relevance; the insights Facet5 offers are as meaningful in Thailand as they are in Poland.