
Unlocking an individuals
Key Qualities.

Realise individual brilliance with Facet5

The Facet5 Key Qualities strengths profile is a powerful tool designed to measure an individual’s unique strengths based on their personality. By gaining insight into their inherent abilities and preferences, individuals are better equipped to make informed decisions about their personal and professional paths.

Enhance Performance, Job Satisfaction, and Wellbeing

The self-awareness offered by Facet5, fosters a deeper understanding of how to leverage one’s strengths in various scenarios, paving the way for enhanced performance, job satisfaction, and wellbeing. Ultimately, it serves as a roadmap for individuals to navigate their journey of growth, helping them to unlock their full potential and thrive in their endeavours.

Why take a strengths-based approach?

  • Focusing on strengths rather than just managing development gaps fosters a more empowering approach to personal and professional growth.
  • When we utilise our strengths, we are working from a base of natural talent and confidence, enhancing our existing capabilities.
  • By taking a strengths-based approach we are more likely to take informed risks and explore new ideas, driving innovation and creativity due to increased confidence.
  • When we align tasks and responsibilities with individual strengths, we can make work more enjoyable and less draining, leading to a more fulfilling career.
  • Shifting focus from fixing weaknesses to enhancing strengths contributes to better mental health and greater job satisfaction.
  • When we all adopt a strengths-based approach it helps build a vibrant, dynamic culture.
  • When we understand and utilise the strengths of team member’s it can lead to better understanding that creates better relationships and inclusivity.
  • It promotes a culture of appreciation and recognition, where employees feel valued for what they naturally bring to the table.
  • This positive environment not only boosts morale but also attracts top talent who are seeking workplaces that invest in their growth and value their unique contributions.
  • Ultimately, understanding and harnessing strengths, both individually and collectively, cultivates a more engaged, productive, and innovative workforce.

The impact of strengths

Enhanced performance and productivity: Gallup’s research indicates that workgroups that received strength- based interventions showed performance increases of 10% to 19%. Employees who focus on using their strengths are more likely to be energised and effective in their roles.

Increased employee engagement: Research completed by Gallup found organisations that focus on strengths can see employee engagement rates nearly double from the typical 30% to over 60%. High engagement is closely linked to higher productivity, better retention rates, and improved profitability.

Improved employee retention: According to a Corporate Leadership Council study, emphasising employee strengths in performance conversations can reduce turnover by up to 14.9%. Employees feel more valued and effective when their strengths are recognised and utilised, leading to increased job satisfaction and loyalty.

Higher profitability: A report by Gallup found that companies that implemented strength-based management practices boasted up to a 29% increase in profit. This boost can be attributed to higher productivity, better customer engagement, and reduced costs associated with turnover and absenteeism.

Better team dynamics and collaboration: Strength-based tools help identify and optimise the diverse strengths within teams, leading to more effective collaboration and innovation. This can result in more successful project outcomes and the achievement of team objectives more efficiently.

Improved customer outcomes: When teams and individuals operate from a strengths perspective, they are more proactive, creative, and responsive to customer needs. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty, which are key drivers of long-term business success.

Organisations that focus on strengths can see employee engagement rates double from the typical 30% to over 60%*

Applications of Facet5 Strengths at work

Individual coaching and personal development: Utilise the broad range of personality-based profiles to help clients identify and harness their strengths, set realistic and impactful goals, and develop strategies to manage stress and enhance well-being. Individuals who use Facet5 report improved work-life balance, reduced stress levels, higher self-confidence, and better goal-setting and achieving capabilities.

Team coaching and development: Apply a strengths approach to team workshops, enhancing understanding among team members, improving communication, and driving team performance through optimised collaboration. According to research published by the Institute of Coaching, over 70% of individuals who receive team coaching benefited from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills. Additionally, 86% of companies reported that they recouped their investment and more.

Leadership development: Guide leaders in understanding their innate strengths and how that supports a more authentic leadership style. Create a practical understanding of how they can effectively motivate others, and how to adapt their approach to different team dynamics and organisational cultures. According to a study by the Centre for Creative Leadership, organisations that offered strengths based coaching to their executives reported improvements in communication, interpersonal, and management skills among those coached, leading to better leadership effectiveness.

Career coaching: Coaching accelerates career advancement. Organisations that integrate coaching into their talent development strategies often see faster leadership development and succession planning. Our unique career coaching profile supports meaningful career planning.

Increase workgroup performance
with a strengths approach

Business benefits of integrating Facet5 into your development process

Incorporating Facet5 into your development practice not only enhances your ability to provide deep, stable insights into personality traits but also equips you with the tools to create meaningful, lasting changes in individuals’ lives. This sophisticated understanding elevates our development sessions, making them more impactful, rewarding and productive.

Objectivity and credibility

Facet5 acts as an objective voice in the development process, providing credible, data-driven insights that can enhance the learning process and support the personal insights shared during sessions.

Integrated development

Our learning modules and data can be integrated into existing programmes. Individualised reports and group data can inform the design, delivery and outcomes of programmes.

Comprehensive support material

Gain access to a suite of tools including detailed reports, actionable strategies, and learning materials that enhance the development experience and provide valuable takeaways for participants.

Continuous learning and development

Stay at the forefront of great practice with ongoing updates and support from the Facet5 community, including training in new tools and methodologies that evolve from the Facet5 framework.

Keep this content for future reference.

View and download a pdf version of the Facet5 Strengths Brochure here. (link opens in new window)

*Source: Gallup

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