
About Facet5 and our
measure of personality.

We measure personality to realise potential

Facet5 is based on a simple, yet trusted, model of personality. Because of this, we are the personality tool of choice for many organisations. Our robustness and credibility is what helps sets us apart and ensures not only are we valid and reliable but trusted.

Personality Insights to Boost Performance and Build Strong Relationships

A personality – truly understood – provides an individual with a sense of their identity and the know-how to thrive in a changing world.

Our personality comes with us wherever we go. It influences how we approach the world, our work and relationships. These similarities and differences in our motivations, attitudes and behaviour make us who we are. The way we behave and interact with others depends on this make-up. Therefore, when we understand ourselves and others, we are able to truly realise our potential, work more effectively and build stronger relationships and boost performance.

Increase self-awareness

Facet5 supports this understanding through measuring how people differ in their behaviour, motivations, attitudes and preferred ways of working, increasing self-awareness and providing a real appreciation of just what they are capable of.

A trait-based model

Facet5 is a trait-based model with scales that are normative and reported as Sten scores. Personality traits are measured along a continuum rather than a forced dichotomy between one type or another. This is a more precise and meaningful approach which allows people to understand their personality in relation to others.

Big 5 theory

Facet5 is based on the Big 5 Theory of personality. Empirical and data-driven, the Big 5 theory of personality is recognised as the most reliable and valid way of measuring and describing personality.

Facet5 – Flexible, Accurate, and Global

  • Practitioners can select from over 44 sets of norms and can change these whenever required. Norms cover language, gender, industry sector and function which allows users to find the norms best suited to their needs.
  • The questionnaire consists of 106 questions arranged as semantic differential with a five point Likert scale and takes 15–20 minutes to complete and is the foundation of Facet5.
  • Available in 38 languages the report and questionnaire languages are independent so a questionnaire completed in German in Berlin can be reported in French in Paris.
  • Facet5 has a built-in impression management process using sophisticated response latency algorithms. This gives faith in the accuracy of the reported profile and gives information for targeted conversations about the respondent’s mindset.
  • Facet5 is a self-service model. Results are available immediately upon completion. Clients can access their profiles globally 24/7.

We use natural, everyday terms that people are familiar with and that are strengths based. This creates a powerful common language for understanding and talking about behaviour.

Facet5 provides understanding across the entire Employee Lifecycle

There are over 26 different report outputs that can be generated from the one questionnaire, ensuring reduced survey overload for participants and increased utility of the data across the employee lifecycle.

Lifecycle model

What we measure

Facet5 identifies the five major building blocks of personality – broken down into 13 sub-factors. It is this pattern of ‘scores’ we see across each of the factors which provides an overall picture of our personality.

Facet5 is the only model to apply Emotionality as an interpretive factor (a lens through which to view the other factors). Emotionality impacts how the other four factors ‘show up’ and creates a light bulb moment in people’s self-awareness.

WillDeterminationDetermination measures our inner drive to commit to our own ideas and set goals for ourself and others. lt helps us understand how quickly we form our opinions and our willingness to consult others and make decisions.
ConfrontationMeasures our drive to confront issues as they arise. It helps us understand how quickly we react to issues and our preferred approach to resolving them.
IndependenceMeasures our willingness to act on our beliefs, independently of people around us. lt helps us understand how much support and direction we need in order lo commit lo a course of action.
EnergyVitalityMeasures our response to new ideas and how you prefer to demonstrate enthusiasm for these. It helps us understand how we consider ideas before committing ourself and others.
SociabilityMeasures our interest In being with other people. It helps us understand our preference for working with, and need for, other people lo feel productive and included.
AdaptabilityMeasures our approach involving other people in our thinking. lt helps us understand how we seek out information and ideas and our preference for problem solving.
AffectionAltruismMeasures how likely we are to put others peoples interests first. It helps us understand how we balance our needs vs those of others and what we expect in return for our efforts.
SupportMeasures our approach to providing support and being understanding. It helps us understand whom to, when and how we give support and what we expect in return.
TrustMeasures our approach to taking people at face value. It helps us understand our approach to building and sustaining trust with others.
ControlDisciplineRefers to our approach to being personally planned and organised. It helps us understand how we approach our work and evaluate ideas.
ResponsibilityRefers to how we take personal responsibility. It helps us understand our approach to rules and standards and how we apply those to ourselves and others.
Emotionality TensionRefers to our general level of stress or tension we experience on a daily basis. It helps us understand how we respond lo events as they get closer and our sensitivity to changes around us.
ApprehensionMeasures our level of inner confidence and optimism. It helps us understand how we respond the world around us and our approach to managing the demands of work.

Keep this content for future reference.

View and download a pdf version of the Facet5 Measure Brochure here. (link opens in new window)

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